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Being The Elite - My Favourite Episode Bullet Club is Fine

Being The Elite - My Favourite Episode Episode 90 "Bullet Club is Fine"

In a recent blog post - The Elite Storytellers of Pro Wrestling which you can read here

I talked about Kenny Omega, Nick Jackson, Matt Jackson and their ability to tell a story which I feel gets overlooked when people talk about them and they don't get enough credit for thought, consistency and endeavour that goes into creating these stories. 

Being The Elite has told great stories that have been intertwined with New Japan Pro Wrestling, Ring of Honor and other wrestling shows.

I saw an Episode of Being the Elite which really captivated me to wrote this blog as a separate entry and a companion piece to my recent blog. 

Being The Elite - Episode 90 "Bullet Club is Fine" This has become my favourite episode of Being The Elite.

Episode 90 is everything I love about Pro Wrestling

Emotion, Story, Entertainment, Drama and Intrigue.

It also has everything I love about Being The Elite, Seeing what the Being The Elite cast go through behind the scenes to get to shows, The Travel Issues, Delays and crazy situations it all adds an extra element to the show, this along with ongoing storyline and great humour is a perfect blend.

Now for some background

Animosity has been building between Kenny and Cody for quite some time (go and check out previous episodes of Being The Elite from Around when Cody joined in January 2017 until now) This then culminated in an incident at TGI Friday in Japan here Kenny was Given a Being the Elite Jacket and rather than having "cast" on the back of it had the word "castaway" on it instead.

In addition there was also a clip of Cody looking at a travel Vlog of Kenny Omega and telling Nick Jackson "we don't have time for him in this episode maybe next time"

Also in the past episodes of Being The Elite Amongst other things we have had

Kenny being "Drunk" in Episode 71 (on non alcoholic beer) and saying things about Cody that he is the WWE stooge that has kidnapped Adam Page and that Cody is Vince Mcmahon "Bitch" and was with Vince behind the curtain

Folowing this Kenny writing "I love Brandi" on his wristape which he was asked about it by Cody he said "Oh no I love Brandit its my new sponsor" he shortly after then got Cody signed up to Brandit to be a sponsored athlete.

Cody in Previous Episode tired to get Flip Gordon to Kill Kenny after Kenny and The Bucks tried to Kill Tama Tonga with a Monster Energy Drink but Cody switched it out at the last second.

Being The Elite Episode 90 - A walkthrough 

The Episode begins with the Bullet Club sat quietly eating a meal together with Kenny Omega Notably absent after Kenny was attacked in the ring by Cody earlier at NJPW New Beginning on Jan 28th 2018 

Episode then goes into Nick and Matt Jackson a week before the Jan 28th Incident in the car talking about their trip to Japan and having to leave 3 days early to get to the NJPW show 

Marty Scrull then joins Nick and Matt and they pass Kenny Omega going the opposite direction, however Kenny doesn't seem to want to be with his fellow Bullet Club brothers.....

Matt and Marty then bump into Kenny Again while their flight is delayed and Kenny comes out of an Elevator, Kenny seems shocked to see them and things seem very awkward

Marty asks if Kenny is avoiding them following the previous incident at TGI Fridays where Kenny Omega was given a Being The Elite Jacket which had "castaway" written on the back of it by Cody 

Cody and Hangman then make their first appearance on his episode they said that they couldn't fly from Narita Airport and with the help of Kevin Kelly are be re routed to Haneda Airport so they can get the flight they need to be able to go to the show.

Bullet Club then all arrive in Japan then we go to Nick and Matt talking saying they haven't seen Kenny All day and its really weird, Matt says Kenny hasn't been right since the TGI Fridays incident and that he is going to go and talk to Kenny. 

Matt finds Kenny in the ladies bathroom and they start talking Matt asks Kenny to Talk openly and Kenny says

"Since day one me and Cody have been like this (clashing) there has always been a struggle for power he cant handle being 2nd banana, he wants to be leader he wants to take you guys away from me too, I do everything in my power to help the guy I want to be his friend, I know he is a great talent, If it wasn't for Me Kenny Omega how many tickets would we sell for all in show? Kenny says also there were never any problems until Cody joined

However  It quickly turns into an argument and Matt says "Bullet Club never had these issues and were fractured when Fergal or AJ was in charge" to which Kenny replies "So I'm a bad leader then?" Matt apologises but Kenny looks very unhappy and says "why do you need my input if I'm the worst leader of the three? Kenny then says to  Matt about their match "we'll just call it in the ring"

Then we cut to Matt and Nick before their match earlier in the day at NJPW new Beginning Night 2 in Sapporo, and we also see a picture of the bullet club all together before the show 

What we see next is a number of Pictures with audio from Kevin Kelly and Don Callis at what took place after Kenny Omega Match vs Jay White 

 Kenny Omega had Just lost to Jay White, Hangman Page came to the ring and challenged Jay White and held up his title, Kenny took US title away from Hangman and gave it back to Jay White this incensed Cody who then hit the ring, followed by Nick and Matt Jackson.

 Kenny Pushed Matt Over and Matt and Nick and Matt stormed out to the back looking very unhappy, Marty was in the ring trying to diffuse things, Marty and Hangman left the ring,  This left Kenny in the ring with Cody and  when Cody had the ropes open for Kenny Omega, Cody attacked Kenny from Behind and Hit his finisher Cross Rhodes this then brought back Hangman Page to Hold Kenny Omega and Cody got a chair and threatened to hit Kenny with it until Kota Ibushi Ran down and saved Kenny Omega and chased off the Bullet Club as Cody had tried to do the same thing to Kota Ibushi a few weeks earlier and Kenny Omega came to the ring and stopped the proceedings helping Kota Ibushi. 

In an amazing moment Kenny Omega and Kota Ibushi are left in the ring, Kota Offers his hand to Kenny Omega, Kenny is shaking his head "no" then Kota grabs Kenny arm and both men hug in the ring, with Kenny Omega music playing and confetti going off in the background, The Team Known Formally as The Golden Lovers is back!! 

(Full incident can be seen at 

See pictures below 

Then it cuts to Cody Backstage talking to Nick, Matt, Adam and Marty backstage, Cody says

"You've known that guy, for what 10 years, its like I said its leadership its action not position, Cody tells The Young Bucks "who the fuck are you seconds too? Your the best tag team in the world"

Cody then tells Marty "Am I wrong?" Marty doesn't reply then Cody says to Adam Page "Its a time honoured New Japan Thing it was your moment, you be the new challenger, he ruined it"

Cody then says "Bullet Club is fine" and leaves the room Adam Page knocks over his chair and leaves with Cody leaving Marty, Nick and Matt and Marty says "are we?"

Kenny Omega is then shown walking in a hallway

Kenny is shown walking until he gets to room 710 when he gets to the room he hesitates knocking at the door

The door opens and you see Kenny stood at the door and he is joined by Kota Ibushi 

Nick and Matt Jackson then allow Kenny and Kota to walk into their room and the door closes and the episode ends,

I loved this because it then set off the next story arc, What were Kenny and Kota doing at the door of Nick and Matt Jackson? What was their conversation inside room 710? Where is this going to lead? All of this can be used and explained in upcoming Being The Elite Episodes.

You can of Course see the full episode of Being The Elite - Episode 90 - Bullet Club is Fine by clicking the video below

I love when I make an emotional connection with Pro Wrestling and what I'm watching. That's why I fell in love with wrestling so I could escape the outside world and get lost in the stories, characters and action that wrestling provides.

I thought this episode really brought everything together over the past few months.

Episode 90 reminded me so much of Old School storytelling having these previous incidents as mentioned (plus many more) the story having many twists and turns but underlining it a simple wrestling storyline.

Cody is jealous of Kenny as Leader of Bullet Club, Cody attacks Kenny Omega and wants Leadership of their group, it defined Kenny Omega Perfectly as a good guy and Cody as an arrogant Prick (to use Don Callis words) and now sets up a match between the two at Ring of Honor Supercard of Honor.

Being The Elite gives us the storytelling that we don't get anywhere else, it gives us investment in characters and therefore investment in the matches and a meaning to why those matches happen and why those feuds mean so much.

I think a lot of wrestling needs to come back to telling stories the more people invest and care in your character and the story your telling the more people that will see your match, go and buy a ticket, spend money and buy merchandise and make the effort to buy meet and greet to see you.

Its simple, its clever and it works - Genius

Thanks for Reading 

Jonathan Orchard 


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