Wrestling has always been about telling stories and creating moments. wrestling has always been a industry of telling good vs bad, one guy against another and whether good can indeed overcome evil. That is wrestling in its simplest form, you can add more complexities to it, more nuances, more layers to the story and the more compelling you make it, the more involved the fans become, the more they want to see where the story goes and the eagerness to see that story come to a conclusion.
That's the magic of Pro Wrestling is making someone feel something, that's why i loved it so much as a child my superheroes weren't Superman or Batman they were real life pro wrestlers that told me stories of good vs bad,.
I always remember a moment when i first felt true emotion in Pro Wrestling it was Bret Hart vs Roddy Piper Wrestlemaina 8 Intercontinental title match, in the middle of the match Piper is holding the ring bell, just about to use it on a bloody Bret Hart, Piper looks at the bell, hesitates, then looks back at Bret in that moment you think Piper is going to hit Bret that was the moment I felt true emotion - thats the art of pro wrestling.
There was a story told at WWE Elimination Chamber 2025 that nobody thought we would ever see John Cena is a bad guy.
John Cena has been one of WWE if not WWE biggest star of the modern era, portrayed for the majority of that time as a good guy, the guy who did the right thing, the good guy that would overcome all the odds, Cena was a fan favourite, a man that had frequent make a wish requests, he actually holds the record for most Make a Wish requested completed at 650 wishes granted more than anyone else, ever.
As time has moved on Cena spent less time in WWE and transitioned across into movies, make sporadic appearances in WWE, coming back for one off shows and appearances.
In 2024 John Cena announced that 2025 would be his last active year as a wrestler and that he would wrestle through to December 2025 where he would then retire. Fans were gearing up for the "John Cena Retirement Tour" expecting to see John Cena in their town one last time however now its not the John Cena of old that they are going to see,
Credit has to be given to whoever was involved in crafting his story because it was something that no one saw coming , all the things that had been done prior The Rock Bad Blood Appearance, Rock and Cody on WWE Raw Netflix Debut it all made sense and fell into place, even after Rock Promo on Smackdown asking for Cody Rhodes soul it was all leading to a bigger moment .
I hate being wrong but it was all there in front of us. I really thought Logan Paul would be the guy to sell his soul, felt it would be good for Paul and elevate him even more and help cement a new WWE star, but it was what I never thought possible happened.
It's all so clear now, Cena talking about his losing streak, Cena putting himself in the elimination chamber, not being at any Raw or Smackdown leading up to Elimination Chamber, even in the match at Elimination chamber taking advantage of the situation after Seth Rollins hit a curb stomp on CM Punk, it was all there we just didn't out the pieces together.
Cena wins the chamber match, Cody comes out to congratulate him, Rock music hits walking to the ring with Travis Scott, Rock asks Cody for his Soul, Cody tells Rock "Go Fuck Yourself" then it's like time stopped Rock just staring at Cody, Cena approaches Cody and gives him a hug, over Cody shoulder the Rock looks at Cena and gives the "slit throat sign" and Cena kicks Cody in the balls and the moment we never saw coming, that we thought would never happen did - and it was everything great storytelling should be it had emotion, it was compelling and it made you feel.
Its a moment that will be replayed forever, live forever and is one of the greatest moments in Professional Wrestling.
Just like that Bret Hart moment at Wrestlemaina 8 I felt the magic of pro wrestling again.
Thanks for reading
@jon422002 - on X
Jonathan Orchard