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Big League Wrestling Results 26th Feb 2017 - Alberto El Patron vs Mr Anderson

Big League Wrestling Results
Sun 26th Feb 2017 
Alberto El Patron vs Anderson

Hello everyone and welcome back!

You can watch the full show from 5th March 2017 on Fite TV

I'm back at Big League Wrestling in Exmouth at their 2nd show taking place in Exmouth, Devon headlined by BLW Champion Mr Anderson v challenger Alberto El Patron. 

You can also watch my video
On the Road to Big League Wrestling Gold Rush
Click the video below

In addition Big league wrestling tag team titles are on the line to determine the 1st ever BLW tag team champions with Liquid Dreams taking in the Team of Big Grizzly and Dave Mastiff. 

As always everything is written from memory - Enjoy :)

Before the show I went to a pre show meet and greet with Alberto Del Rio (who had a special friend with him) Alberto and his friend were both lovely and he was a class act and so was the person he was with - a total pleasure to meet them both. (I can't say who it is but you should know who it is..) 

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I went from meet and greet to the venue. Exmouth Pavilion was brilliantly set up with tiered seating also. 

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Ring announcer Theo Fraser makes his way to the ring but before he can announce opening match Harlem Bravado comes out to the Ring with the BLW tag team titles that will be fought over this evening.

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Bravado says he is disgusted that no American team is vying for the tag team titles. 

The crowd while this is going on is shouting all kinds of insults at Bravado and then Bravado states he is going to sing USA national anthem and also says that he feels sorry Mr Anderson that he has to perform in front of these fans.

Bravado starts singing USA national anthem until he is cut off by the crowd who sing UK anthem back at him! Bravado waits until the crowd is finished and continues to finish USA anthem and says that he is joining josh on commentary for the evening. 

Lion Kid vs Josh Bodom

Josh Bodmon comes to the ring first and is very imposing and he looks ready for a fight, Lion kid comes out next to huge cheers from the Exmouth crowd, fans are anticipating their match up. 

Before I start giving you details on this match let me first say this was perfect to kick off the evening show. Lion kid and Josh Bodom had great match and I highly recommend you buy the show in from 5th March when it is Released and check this match out. 

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Josh Bodom gets to the ring 1st lion kid then makes his entrance and our match is on. Both men tie up and are jostling for position there is plenty of chain wrestling at the beginning of the match with both men gaining the advantage until lion kid comes off the ropes and hits a flying head scissors which sends Bodom to the outside.

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Lion kid goes up to the 2nd turnbuckle of the outside and hits a tremendous moonsault to Bodom who is on the floor. As the match continued it picked up a furious pace and Bodom and close to winning the match when he gave lion Kid a modified pile driver when lion kid was draped over the 2nd rope. 

However despite Bodom tremendous offence lion kid was able to hit the circle of life for only a 2 count! Lion kid then comes off the top rope and hits a somersault splash for the win.

Following the match Lion Kid offers his hand to Bodom only for Bodom to kick him in the balls, Bodom gets a chair and goes to hit Lion Kid with it, however Mr Anderson music hits and he stops Bodom and chases him off, Anderson picks up Lion Kid in the ring but gives him a mic check!

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Crowd are boo-Ing as Mr Anderson takes the mic and says that he deserves more respect and the ring ropes should be red, white and blue Of USA (looks like he is agreeing with Harlem Bravado from earlier) Anderson is livid.

Anderson gets outside the ring and is fighting with fans, Anderson then goes over and picks up a little person (adult) from the audience and puts him in the ring and ken poses for and autograph with him then out of nowhere Ken superkicks the man (his name is Keaton) and Keaton is left laying in the ring as Ken walks away to boos from the crowd. 

Chris Andrews vs Psycho Phillips

Our next bout Psycho Philips makes his way to the ring alongside Jamie she is hitting Phillips before he even has his match. The physically imposing Chris Andrews is out next and he comes out to brand new music which I thought was cool. 

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Philips tries to match power with Andrews but that isn't going to happen at all, Andrews body slams Phillips and Phillips then gets up and runs at Andrews and Andrews strikes him down, Phillips goes outside of the ring and is berated by Jamie,Phillips runs in again and Andrews does the same thing and Phillips heads outside and Jamie is getting even angrier at Phillips. This happens twice more until Andrews flies over the top rope onto the floor onto Phillips. 

Jamie then slaps Andrews very hard in the face and Andrews squares up to her and then Phillips attacks Andrews from behind and takes Andrews back into then ring. 

Philips is throwing Andrews into the turnbuckles, hitting Andrews with left arm clothes lines in the corner, he is choking Andrews on the ropes (Jaime is helping him) Phillips can still only get a 2 count. 

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Andrews comes back and hits Phillips with a double back suplex and northern lights suplex combination for a 2 count. Andrews then goes for a moonsault and misses then as the match continued Phillips hits a spine buster but Andrews replies with tko but out if nowhere a man appears dressed all in black and in a black mask he super kicks Andrews and gives Phillips the advantage to get the win. 

After the match the man in the mask takes the microphone and removes his mask and its..........Eddie Ryan!! 

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Eddie is angry he is shouting that he is the best wrestler in the south west and he doesn't get a shot at big league? Eddie takes a chair and smashes Andrews in the head with it. 

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Big League World Tag Team Championship Match
to Crown 1st Ever Tag Team Champions

This match was tremendous from the outset liquid dreams come out first and they are  at their finest posing and pointing to each other as they get into the ring.

Mastiff and Grizzly are out next and get the crowd into a frenzy with there entrance as they both enter from different directions then try to meet up and miss each other and eventually they both walk out from the crowd to the ring. 

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The shenanigans continue as Mastiff and Grizzly enter the ring both Bruce and Jake jump out but they left their jackets in the ring which Grizzly and Mastiff try on (bit are far too small) then have to get the referee to help them get the jackets off before the match even starts! This annoys Liquid Dreams who say that there genuine leather jackets have been ruined. 

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Referee starts the match but liquid dreams seems hesitant Grizzly shouts come on! And Jake runs towards Grizzly but to no avail, grizzly ties up with Jake again and throws him to the arena floor, Jake gets up and has had enough of this so he goes and gets a chair sets it up in the ring and stands on it and challenges Grizzly to tie up with him while he is on the chair grizzly still gets the better of Jake, puts him in the corner and puts the chair to the outside. 

Mastiff then gets double teamed and is on the outside of the ring and Grizzly is with him, Bruce and Jake try to dive through the ropes but get caught by Mastiff and Grizzly and looks like there will be a double powerslam, however both members of liquid dreams manage to slip out of 

As the match continues Bruce and mastiff are tagged in Bruce tries to take the massive mastiff down but it is no use its not happening at all  Bruce and Jake then are both double teaming Mastiff and are doing this for some time.  Liquid Dreams Doing things behind the referee back, Grizzly trying to help his partner but to no avail. Liquid dreams are relentless in their attack even throwing Mastiff into the corner and doing leapfrogs in the ring, liquid dreams starting to get too cocky. 

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Then Bruce and Jake try to body slam Mastiff but Mastiff lands in them, liquid dreams fight back and they keep control but eventually Mastiff makes the tag and Grizzly takes out both Bruce and Jake! 

Grizzly hits a fall away slam in Bruce and then a double suplex to both Bruce and Jake, Grizzly then hits a suplex slam on Bruce for a 2 count. 

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Surprisingly Bruce then walks out on Jake and goes to the back just as Jake was going to tag him! This leaves Jake to Grizz and Mastiff who make shirt work of Jake and pin him 1-2-3 to become 1st Ever BLW Tag Team Champions!

Sid Scala vs Scotty Wainwright

Scott wainwright comes out first wearing his WCPW tag team title as well as a WCPW t shirt. Scott says it makes him sick that he has to perform here in Exmouth in front of scum like us. Scott goes on to tell Sid if you live by the sword you will die by the swords of Essex. 

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Scott is looking angry, man and aggressive before the start of his match, Scala comes out and gets in the ring poses on the ropes but Wainwright attacks him while he is on the turnbuckle.

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Wainwright then really takes control in this match until Scala is able to come back with a jump off the 2nd rope and hit wainwright which takes him to the outside and Sid kicks wainwright through the ropes on the floor. 

However as the match continued Scala just couldn't contain wainwright and his more aggressive style Scala and wainwright were punching each other back and forth and then Scala was able to hit a bulldog out of a body scissors for a 2 count. 

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Wainwright though is able to hit a Death Valley driver and obtain the win. 

This was a very different Scott wainwright from the Scotty Essex that's fans that have seen him previously are used to seeing. Scott Wainwright is more aggressive, more calculating and his attitude has gone from cocky bad guy to natural bad guy. This is now Scotty wainwright it will be interesting to see where he goes and what he does next in Big League Wrestling. 

Big League World Title Match
Alberto El Patron vs (c) Mr Anderson

Ken Anderson makes his way to the ring to a resounding chorus of boo's from  the live crowd following his shocking actions earlier in the night kicking Keaton in the centre of the ring.

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Mr Anderson threatens ring announcer Theo Fraser and makes him bring a chair into the ring so Theo can stand on it and give Mr Anderson the microphone. Ken nearly  throws Theo off the chair and grabs the mic and Introduces himself in the most insincere tone possible.

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Next his Music Hits and Alberto El Patron makes his way to the ring the crowd are going nuts totally nuts for Alberto El Patron.

The Crowd breaks out in a chant of "si si si" as Alberto makes his way into the ring,

Alberto starts off by taking control of the match and mounting the corner and hitting Anderson with punches, Anderson is trying to feign away from Alberto and get away from him, however Anderson turns the match on his favour by attacking the left arm and especially the hand of Del rio this would be a constant area of attack fro Anderson throughout this match.

Anderson then has Alberto in the corner himself and is punching him until Alberto grabs Anderson arms and hangs from the ropes with Anderson arm in an arm breaker, The referee makes Alberto take the hold off before the 5 count.

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Del Rio then comes off the top rope but Anderson catches him in the stomach and both men end up on the outside again with Anderson being the aggressor.

Alberto gets thrown back in the ring as Anderson tries to get back in Alberto hits a dropkick, Anderson enters the ring and both men are on their knees punching each other back and forth.

Alberto Hits Anderson with a backstabber but cant get the win, Alberto goes for cross arm breaker but Ken fights out throws Alberto to the corner and Anderson mounts the 2nd buckle and hits a tornado DDT for a 2 count.

The Match is taking its toll on both men and now they are both in the opposite corner Anderson slips and gets his feet caught on the 2nd turnbuckle, Alberto See's his opportunity and hits a double foot stomp onto Anderson!!

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Alberto gets the cross armbreaker locked in but Harlem Bravado comes out and takes out the referee! while Alberto is distracted by Harlem Anderson gets his Big League World title belt and with the referee down hits Alberto in the head with the belt.

Bravado gets another referee from the back and he counts and Alberto kicks out at 2 and 7/8ths!  so close!

Alberto then kicks Anderson in the head and pins Anderson 1-2-3 and becomes the NEW Big League World Champion!

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Alberto brings Keaton back into the ring afterwards and celebrates with him.

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This was an excellent show throughout and will be great to watch back too. There was so much that happened in this show. From opening Match and Ken Anderson Heel turn, to Eddie ryan Surprise appearance and then the break up of Liquid Dreams and Del Rio winning and becoming the BLW world title there is something here for all wrestling fans to get their teeth into.

There were some exciting developments and is intriguing to see where they will go next and what will happen.

Big League Wrestling Next show is Uprising in Credition on Sun 23rd April 2017

Check out the preview here

You can check out a preview for that show here

Don't forget
You can watch the full show from 5th March 2017 on Fite TV

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For More information, News, Events and Tickets go to

Thanks for Reading

Jonathan Orchard


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