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Big League Wrestling Inception Results Sun 20 Nov 2016 MVP vs Mr Anderson

Big League Wrestling Inception
 Results Sun 20 Nov 2016
MVP vs Mr Anderson

Mr Anderson (left) and MVP (right)

Hello all and welcome to the very 1st Big League Wrestling blog!

This is Big League Wrestling debut show at The Corn Exchange in Exeter!

Pre show 

I had a platinum ticket which before the show included a pew show Q and A with Mr Anderson and MVP.  

We go into the building and go in one of the conference rooms which is set up with one chair either side and a rostrum and stood in the middle we are greeted by Lewis Rossiter President of Big League Wrestling.

Mr Anderosn (left) Lewis Rossiter (middle) MVP (right)

There are 4 cameramen in the room ready to film the upcoming event. 

Lewis begins and talks to us about the origins of Big League, his passion for wrestling and what matches we will be seeing later in the evening.

Lewis then introduces Mr Anderson and MVP they come into the room and our Q and A begins!

Mr Anderson and MVP face to Face at Q&A

It was a tremendous Q and A one of the best I have been part of both Mr Anderson and MVP were very open with there responses to questions and they didn't hold Anything back! I laughed, learnt a lot and had so much fun listening to them. 

I won't go into the questions asked as it may be on the Big League Wrestling YouTube channel soon, so keep your eyes on Big League Wrestling YouTube page and subscribe to know first when it is uploaded - trust me you won't want to miss it.

We are lead from the conference room into the main arena for tonight show.

What immediately hit me as I came in was the set up. The ring had red, white and Blue ropes and has steel steps either side and has steel guard rails around the ringside area and a raised platform where performers walk down to the ring. 

The lights turned down and we are ready for Debut show of Big League Wrestling to begin! 

Big League Crowd before the show starts

Below are match results and a summary notes of the matches (as I remember them! p.s I may have not have Jake and Brice (liquid Dreams names around the right way I cant tell them apart!)

Main Show

Sid Scala vs Lion Kid 

Lion Kid (Right) Sid Scala (left)

This is my first time seeing Sid Scala and as a huge fan of Only Fools and Horses loved seeing the tribute ring trucks with 'savvy Sid's bargains on the back of it! Lion kid is out next, i saw Lion Kid recently so I'm looking forward to seeing this match. 

Lion kid and Sid feeling out each other and there was lots of chain wrestling to begin with and lots of transitions between holds, in my opinion I think Lion Kid got the better of the opening exchanges. 

Lion kid then gets Sid in a magistral cradle and gets a 2 count, does another and gets another 2 count, goes for a third cradle and gets another two count then at this point both men still in the hold are rolling around the ring canvas! They do 2 laps of the ring and Lion Kid gets another 2 count, nice spot in the match. 

Pinfall attempt by Lion Kid

Sid gets frustrated goes to the outside comes back into the ring and Lion kid is doing a handstand in the corner, Sid can't get close, he tries to get the referee to help him but this doesn't help, Sid runs towards Lion Kid and takes a double stomp to the chest and falls to the canvas lion kid hits a splash for a 2 count. 

Both men are up and Lion kid hits a springboard splash for a 2 count the. Sid gets frustrated and grabs his jacket and throws it at the referee and rakes Lion Kid eyes.

Lion Kid Flipping over the top rope

As the match continues Sid goes to the top rope but can't balance goes to 2nd rope but thinks it's too high and goes to bottom rope but says no and goes to elbow drop lion kid and he moves out of the way. 

Lion kid goes for his finisher The Circle of Life but Sid throws him Into the corner and rolls him up for a two count but has his feet on the ropes and referee notices and stops the count. Lion kid is then able to hit Circle of Life for the win! 

Karl Atlas vs Psycho Phillips 

Physco Phillips (left) Karl Atlas (right)

Karl Atlas comes out first with a long boxing robe on. Philips is out next I liked his face paint and the quirkiness of the character. I like something different and Phillips provided that in this match he is unconventional and different and that's what really made him stand out to me. 

Let me first say I had some difficulty here because my phone stopped working and was trying to fix it as match was going on. 

Atlas and Philips Tie up and are going back and forward but no one is winning. They break up and Atlas goes to shoulder block Phillips and nothing happens, Phillips then Goes to shoulder block Atlas and again neither man is to be moved.

Double Clotheslining Each Other

Both men then try to clothesline each other at the same time but again neither man is going anywhere. Philips then gets atlas by his beard and in and funny Moment Atlas hits the canvas! 

Philips throws Atlas into the corner and gets reserved and Atlas hits the corner. Following this Atlas takes over and beats down in Phillips and one point Phillips gets rammed back first into a rail at ringside. 

Phillips is able to come back though  and take the win against Karl Atlas.

Physco Phillips

Big Grizzly and Scotty Essex vs Liquid Dreams 

Scotty (left) and Big Grizzly (left)

Liquid dreams come out first and the crowd hate them! Scotty Essex the. Comes out to a loud ovation the following him Big Grizzly comes out to an equally loud ovation and they stare down Liquid dreams and make there way to the ring.

Scotty and Big Grizzly get up on the turnbuckles and pose for the crowd and the audience erupt again! Both teams go to there corners and our tag team match is on! 

Liquid dreams say they want to take there jackets of before the match and tell the referee to keep Grizzly and Essex back, liquid dreams are taking ages so grizzly grabs them both and bangs their heads together! Both men roll out of the ring! 

Bruce (I think starts off) with Scotty Essex in the ring Scotty gets Bruce in a headlock and Bruce breaks away but Scotty hits a great drop kick to Bruce and then one to Jake who runs into the ring. 

Scotty is now in control he tags in Big Grizzly and they knock Bruce down and Big Grizzly picks up Scotty and body slams him onto the prone Bruce in the ring. 

Grizzly tags Scotty back in and Scotty hits a tremendous standing suplex where he holds Bruce for a long time before bringing him down to the canvas. 

Scotty with Standing Suplex

As the match continues Grizzly comes back in and is still in control until Bruce and Jake double team Grizzly in the corner turning the match in their favour, Jake then grabs Grizzly leg and hits it Into the ring post. Bruce them continues to inflict more punishment of the leg of Grizzly it's looking like the match has tuned and liquid dreams have taken control until Grizzly is able to make it to Scotty. 

Scotty comes in and takes on both members of liquid dreams until he is in the corner of liquid dreams then liquid dreams take far too long doing leapfrog in the ring and Scotty hits back. 

Liquid Dreams Playing leapfrog

As the match continues Grizzly is back in the ring and he bearhugs then suplexs Jake Grizzly squashes both members of liquid dreams in the corners of the ring. Grizzly goes to double chokeslam liquid dreams but they break Grizzly hold, Grizzly then Gets back suplexed by Bruce. Scotty gets hoisted on shoulders of Jake but Scotty turns it into a victory roll, Jake kicks out Scotty is then low blowed and liquid dreams win. 

Liquid Dreams Celebrate Their win

After the match Grizzly and Scotty are in the ring and Grizzly suddenly gets Scotty By the throat and chokeslams him to the canvas this brings out Exeter own Chris Amdrews who challenges Grizzly to a match right after the interval. 

Grizzly chokeslams Scotty

Chris Andrews

Big Grizzly vs Chris Andrews

Chris Andrews (Left) and Big Grizzly (right)

After being cheered so much just an hour before Grizzly is now being booed out of the building by the fans in Exeter.

Out next to a massive Cheer is Exeter own Chris Andrews who has vowed to finish off Grizzly once and for all. 

Andrews has Grizzly on his shoulders

Chris and Grizzly go straight at each other Grizzly gets clothesline over the top but he lands on his feet he pulls Chris from the ring and inflicts some damage on the ring apron both men get back in the ring Chris is able to stun Grizzly, Chris goes to 2nd rope and tries a flying body press but Grizzly catches him Grizzly then Hits a slam. Grizzly is working over Andrews as much as he can at this point and is trying to dominate the match keeping Andrews down

Grizzly getting Andrews on the mat

As the match continues Chris Andrews goes for a flying body press from the top rope this time and is able to hit it but only gets a two count.

Amazing flying body press from Andrews

Andrews is then able to hit the TKO and gets the pinfall victory. 


Big League president Lewis Rossiter comes to the ring and he has something with him. Lewis takes the Big League Heavyweight title out of his bag and presents it too the crowd this is what Mr Anderson and MVP will be fighting for in our main event coming next. Lewis then announces that main event is now a no DQ match! 

Lewis Rossiter presents Big League World Championship

Before he leaves Lewis informs us via his best Ricardo Rodriguez impression that Alberto Del Rio is coming to Exmouth for Big League Wrestling in February (Tickets to be released soon check @gobigleague on Twitter for announcements) 

Big League World Heavyweight Championship 

Mr Anderson vs MVP 

Anderson poses to the crowd

Anderson and MVP went out there and had one of the best matches I have seen live.

Their world heavyweight title contest was incredible it went from the ring to the barriers on the outside, to the top of the tiered seating in the Arena! 

MVP making his way to the ring

There was so much happening in this match and even before the match started the fans were chanting 'this is awesome' and alternating between chanting MVP and Anderson.

Anderson and MVP lock up

Both men started off tentatively in this match and lots of wrestling between them, go behind, hammerlock and wrist locks traded by both men Anderson gets MVP on the canvas with a scissors lock around MVP neck but MVP pops out and lays on the top rope! 

MVP relaxes on the top rope

MVP shouts lets turn this up a notch and clubs Anderson across the back and now the match is turning more physical MVP throws Anderson off the ropes but Anderson comes back and knocks MVP to the floor.

Anderson gets MVP and hits him into the barrier at ringside head first Anderson goes to throw MVP into steel steps but MVP turns it around and throws Anderson into them! 

MVP and Mr Anderson fight on the outside

MVP boots Anderson to the face and then throws Anderson over the barrier into the crowd! MVP and Anderson are fighting in the front two rows then they make there way through the crowd and are now headed up the tiered seating with fans all around them MVP and Anderson reach the top and they both try to throw each over at the top! Both men are hitting each other and MVP rolls down the steps. 

Fighting in the crowd

MVP sets up 4 chairs from the front row he also chucks some chairs on top of Anderson on the floor, Anderson manages to get up he grabs MVP and looks like he is going to suplex MVP onto the 4 chairs

4 chairs set up my MVP

However MVP gets the advantage and suplex Anderson onto the pile on floors on the wooden floor, the sound echoes around Exeter Corn exchange as a 'holy shit' breaks out from the live crowd followed by 'this is awesome' 

MVP make their way back through the barriers and back into the ring MVP gets a two count he kicks Ken and is in control. MVP then hits a perfect plex for a 2 count. 

Fisherman Suplex by MVP

As match continues Anderson and MVP are in their knees in centre of the ring punching Each other in the face until they get to their feet Anderson goes for Kenton bomb MVP gets out and goes to 2nd rope but Anderson cuts him off and then hits Kenton bomb for 2 count.

Anderson goes for a mic check but MVP kicks out at 2 MVP gets back up and hits Ken with playmaker but Ken kicks out at 2, MVP hits tombstone for a 2 count.

MVP Tombstone to Mr Anderson

MVP gets Big League World title he hits Anderson with it but again Ken is not going down MVP goes to hit MVP with the title again but Anderson gets MVP in the mic check and gets the 3 count. 

Mr Anderson Your New Big League World Champion!

After a brilliant match your winner and new big league world champion Mr Anderson! 

After the show there was a post show meet and greet with all the stars of Big League Wrestling I brought a meet and greet with MVP afterwards and got to meet him and have my poster signed too.

me and MVP

I also got a picture with New champ Mr Anderson!!

me and Ken Anderson

Overall thoughts

wow what a way to start off with a new promotion and a new show too. The main event MVP vs Mr Anderson was amazing and truly lived it to its billing that will go down as the first ever Big League Heavyweight title match in history and it has set the standards now for other title matches in the future to reach. 

As a platinum ticket holder certainly got value for money with Q and A before the show as front row seat and ability to speak to and listen to MVP and Mr Anderson and to understand more about their careers and the wrestling business.  

The arena looked great with added details of barriers, steps and different ring ropes. I noticed at least 4 different cameramen throughout the show capturing all the action too. 

I thought for a debut show of a brand new company this was brilliant it didn't feel like it was there first show which is a massive compliment to people that made it happen and put it all together. 

Big Grizzly worked in two different matches one as a tag team good guy and one as a bad guy in a singles match I have never seen that at a wrestling event before and thought that was pretty cool thing to do to be able to work both good and bad in the same night is very unique and not something many wrestlers can do. 

I really dug psycho Phillips and as I said before there is something really interesting to his character will be interesting to see how he is utilised going forward a big league and what new elements Phillips will bring to the table. 

Also interesting to see what future holds or cruiserweight wrestling Lion Kid was extremely athletic and had a brilliant opening match be great to see him in the future as part of a big league cruiserweight division. 

Most Important thing about this show the fans left with Smiles on their faces and ready for more!

Big League next show taking place in Exmouth in February 2017 with former WWE star Alberto Del Rio!

Thanks for reading 

@jon422002 - Twitter
Jonathan Orchard 


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