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Kevin Nash - My memories of WWF Years 1993-1996

Kevin Nash - My memories of WWF Years

Had the Great News Recently That Kevin Nash Will be Going the Pro Wrestling Report's Party in New York over Wrestlemania Weekend, I will be going to this event entitled "Shenanigans in the Concrete Jungle" I have been a massive fan of Kevin Nash for such a long time and it will be truly incredible to meet him. That Little Wrestling fan who first saw Diesel in 1993 at 7 years old never thought he'd get an opportunity to meet the man himself. So Decided I would write a blog with my Memories of Kevin Nash from his first WWE run. (I have also added videos I found on Youtube throughout the blog)

I have been a Kevin Nash fan ever since I saw him debut on WWE (then WWF) TV With Shawn Michaels back in 1993. I had never seen any previous WCW Versions of Character's Nash had played (We couldn't get WCW in England at the time). I remember seeing this giant on TV with Shawn Michaels and thinking  as a 7 year old kid wow! Kevin Nash (then named Diesel) was huge 7 foot 2 and looked liked he could really do some damage. I was intrigued by the Bodyguard Character as Diesel was different to other managers at the time. Diesel was more calculating and Cunning and wouldn't get involved in a match 3 or 4 times what made him different was that he would only get involved maybe once or twice but it was usually lead to the match ending. A far as I can remember also Diesel did not say much at the beginning either which for me added to the character too because his actions and what he did in the ring did all the talking.

Diesel  made his WWF debut on June 6, 1993 Helping Shawn Michaels as Shawn's new bodyguard vs Marty Jannetty for the Intercontinental championship.

Kevin Nash said in an interview that he could not believe the size of the House that WWE would draw. Kevin Also said that on his first night in WWE he did more in one night than he had done in his whole WCW career up to that point.

In January 1994 Diesel was in the Royal Rumble and managed to throw seven men over the top rope in the Royal Rumble match. This is the first time  I can remember seeing Diesel Compete in the ring (although he may of competed before then!!!) and this really helped his character because it now showed the physical side of his game and what he could do to opponents inside the ring. See Diesel in the Royal Rumble 1994 by clicking the link below.

Diesel then got an opportunity for the WWE Intercontinental Championship and he beat Raxor Ramon (Scott Hall)  in April 1994. Diesel won his first title in WWE Click the video below to see the Title Win!!

Diesel and Shawn Michaels in August 1994 won the WWE Tag Team Championship from the Headshinkers making Nash a double champion. Below is Diesel and Shawn Michaels 1st Title Defence as Tag Team Champions as they faced the team of Chris Kanyon and Bob Starr.


Shawn Michaels and Diesel as a team fell apart after Shawn Michaels  superkicked Diesel. Diesel went after Shawn Michaels and chased him up the ramp starting a feud between Diesel and Shawn Michaels

Then on 26th November 1994 Diesel Defeated Bob Backlund to win his first WWE title. Kevin beat Bob Backlund within 8 Seconds at Madison Square Garden to become champion. Click the video below to see Diesel's title win,
Diesel's was WWF Champions Until he lost Bret Hart at Survivor Series 1995. This match was a great match and a match that Kevin Nash has said in interview's was one of his favourite matches in his career
Diesel then started to face The Undertaker and I always remember this feud because Undertaker interfered in a Match with Diesel in, Then following this Diesel Interfered in a Match the Undertaker was in. This built up to a great feud between Diesel and Undertaker and I remember a ring segment when I was a kid when there was a casket at ringside and Diesel went to open the casket and there was a body in the casket and the face looked exactly the same as Diesel's!!! (Remember thinking that was the coolest thing!!!!) Diesel and Undertaker had a match a WrestleMania 12 in a match that Diesel lost.
Watch the Video below For the Wrestlmania Match Diesel vs Undertaker
Following the Wrestlemania Match With Undertaker Diesel Then went on a face Shawn Michaels at In Your House Good Friends, Better Enemies. In the match Shawn and Diesel used weapons and if my memory serves me correctly i think they even used Mad Dog Vachon Prosthetic Leg! It was another great match and although I didn't know it at the time It would be Kevin Nash last PPV match on WWE for some years. In the video below Shawn Michaels and Diesel Give Special Commentary (from a dvd extra on this match!!!)
 Following this there was an incident which I did not know about at the time (only being 10 Years Old in 1996!! But later came to light and became to be know as the Curtain Call. This was where Kevin Nash, HHH, Razor Ramon, Shawn Michaels,  all hugged in the ring after the main event at Madison Square Garden.  Kevin Nash Left WWE in 1996 and Went to WCW along with Scott hall and they went on the revolutionise Wrestling and usher in a Golden age of Wrestling
Below is a Video Not of the MSG Incident But of the Cliq Re-uniting for Shawn Michaels at WWE Hall Of Fame 2011 so great to see the group back together (very sad that Scott Hall Could Not be there).
In December 2013 Kevin Nash was inducted into the Pro Wrestling Report Hall of Fame and Given a LifetimeAchievement award At Great Lakes Championship Wrestling 8th Annunal BlizzardBrawl event You can see Kevin recieving his award by clicking the video below
Thanks For Reading @jon422002


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