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TNA Bound For Glory 2010 Predictions

Hello everyone its jon422002 back with another blog this time and for the very first time with a TNA Bound for Glory Blog!!

This is TNA's biggest PPV of the year and they have presented a very good card and alot of story lines will be resolved here but some will carry into the next few weeks of TNA.

As Always this is just my opinion on how things will go!!

With that said lets take a look at TNA Bound For Glory's PPV Card

Kurt Angle vs. Mr. Anderson vs. Jeff Hardy Three-Way match for the vacant TNA World Heavyweight Championship ; If Angle loses, he will retire from wrestling

The headlining Main Event of Bound for Glory! I'm really looking forward to this match I think that these 3 will have one of the matches of the year. Jeff Hardy will do some crazy spots, Kurt Angle will do some great wrestling and Ken Anderson will be himself which = excellence!!! Everyone think that since Kurt Angle Won the Bound for Glory Battle Royal and the fact that he has his career on the line that Kurt will win this match.

I don't think this will happen....... I see Mr Anderson Turning heel again and clearing up a long term storyline with Jeff Hardy where Jeff did not know whether to trust Mr Anderson or not. I think Anderson will pin Hardy therefore leaving it open for Kurt to stay in TNA as technically he was not pinned and therefore did not lose the match. Admittedly I am a huge Mr Anderson fan and It does taint my decision because my heart is saying Anderson but my head says Angle but My heart rules my head so....

Jon422002's Prediction Winner and New TNA Heavyweight Champion Mr Anderson.......ANDERSON!!!

Rob Van Dam vs. Abyss Monster's Ball match

Well we found out on impact that this will in fact be Abyss last match in TNA and that he will be fined come Monday morning whether he beats RVD or Not. I wasn't a huge fan of the Dixie Carter Kidnapping Angle on Impact but it added to the heat for Abyss and adds to his list of violent things he has done in TNA. In this match RVD wants revenge for an attack by Abyss with Janice a few months ago on impact. What I want to know is how did RVD heal so quickly? Two weeks ago he was still covered in bandages 3 days ago (when seen on impact) he looked healthy and well. 'They' will also be involved in this match whoever they is so that also adds a different element to this match. I think that Rob Van Dam will win this match and get his revenge on Abyss but once Abyss has gone 'they' will still be trying to take out RVD from TNA.

Jon422002's Prediction - Rob Van Dam

Fourtune (A.J. Styles, Kazarian, Matt Morgan, Robert Roode, and James Storm) vs. EV 2.0 (Tommy Dreamer, Raven, Rhino, Sabu, and Stevie Richards) Lethal Lockdown

I always enjoy lethal lockdown matches and I think this one is going to be a cracker. Fortune and Ric Flair has been great since they formed I am a huge fan of Fortune and of what they do. As for EV 2.0 I didn't agree with them coming into TNA but I think as time has gone on they have become better, For me this match can only go one way I see this being a big win of Fortune the this feud with EV2 can be put behind them and then set their sights on more TNA gold namely getting back possession of the TNA World Title!!

Jon422002's Prediction Fortune

The Motor City Machine Guns (Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin) (c) vs. Generation Me (Max and Jeremy Buck) Tag team match for the TNA World Tag Team Championship

The motor city machine guns are a fantastic team and honestly they (along with Beer Money) have keep Tag Team Wrestling Alive this year and really put it in the spotlight and given it the much needed boast. I am expecting a great match from these teams Generation Me heel turn I think has been good for them and I think they have taken the opportunity well and your all remember it was meant to be London Brawling vs MCMG in the last PPV but were replaced by Gen Me and they have made the most of their opportunity injuring both Sabin and Shelly with the Double DDT from the Top rope but my winners for this match....

Jon422002's Prediction - Still TNA Tag Team Champions Motor City Machine Guns

Angelina Love (c) vs. Velvet Sky vs. Madison Rayne vs. Tara Four Corners match for the TNA Women's Knockout Championship (with Special referee Mickie James)

After a tag match on Impact last Thursday these 4 will now face each other in a 4 corners match for the TNA Title and added into this match is Special Referee Mickie James!!! I must Admit I do like Mickie and was glad to see her back in TNA!!!! But on to the match I think that Angelina Love will retain  in this match alot of people think Madison Rayne will win or Tara will win but I think it will stay with Angelina and after this match is over she can get into a nice feud with Mickie for the TNA Knockout title.

Jon422002's Prediction - Still Champion Angelina Love
Sting, Kevin Nash and D'Angelo Dinero vs. Samoa Joe and Jeff Jarrett Three on Two Handicap match

Well there have been rumors for a while but we found out definitely today that Kevin Nash Will be retiring from TNA after this match. Some people love him some hate him personally I think he is one of the smartest wrestlers in the business and often gets a bad rap but no one gives him credit for the good things he has done in Wrestling. As far as the match goes I think that Joe and Jarrett will win and then the conspiracy can be revealed what it will be I don't know - but it will be interesting and I think this story could provide us with a surprise or two. I agree with Pro Wrestling Report Opinionist that 'they' are Bischoff, Hogan, Jarrett Etc if not then I'm not sure who it could be Paul Heyman possibly? but he has distanced himself with TNA and Wrestling in  General but he could be a huge surprise!!! Anyway for this match guys I think its just wait and see!!!
Jon422002's Prediction - Samoa Joe and Jeff Jarrett

Eric Young and Orlando Jordan vs. Ink Inc. (Jesse Neal and Shannon Moore) Tag team match

WOW what do I say about this one I'm not a fan of Orlando Jordan at all I must admit though that Eric Young's Performance on impact this past week although never tagged into the match was tremendous. Ink Inc have been progressing and I think this will be a win for them (probably with Eric's Help)

Jon422002's Prediction - Ink Inc

Douglas Williams vs. Jay Lethal (c) X Division Title Match

This is a rematch from a few weeks ago on impact where Lethal beat Williams for the Title. Iv felt as if Lethal has lost alot of steam since the days of Macho man/Flair promos and now that he has become Jay Lethal himself, the man interest seems to of waned in him. Of course Lethal won the title then lost it of Amazing Red a few days later and then won it back again a few days after that. Doug Williams being in fortune is of good benefit for him Williams is a solid wrestler and possesses alot of talent and skill for me I think Williams will win this one as I think with him again as champion he is a good bad guy for the babyfaces in TNA's x Division to chase.

Jon 422002's Prediction - NEW X Division Champion Doug Williams

I hope you all really enjoy TNA Bound For Glory!! and dont forget you can follow me on @jon422002 on Twitter!!! Thank you all!!


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