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Showing posts from November, 2018

20 Year Anniversary of CSF Pro Wrestling (CSF Wrestling UK)

Happy 20 Year Anniversary  CSF Pro Wrestling (CSF Wrestling UK)  Can you remember what you were doing in November 1998? Let me take you back in time, it was a month where  Tragedy by Steps was number 1 in the charts in this month Dion Dublin was Footballer of The Month for November 1999 Manager of The Month was Harry Redknapp  In the world of wrestling  WWE (then WWF) were gearing up for Survivor Series 1998 where The Rock won the Deadly Game Tournament defeating Mankind in the finals.   In WCW they were preparing for WCW World War 3 PPV Me? When I think back to that time I was busy playing WCW/NWO revenge on the N64 in year 8 at secondary school but at that time Stuart Natt was doing something very different he was  taking on the world of professional wrestling  and created his own wrestling company CSF Wrestling. CSF Wrestling actually first started out as CSF Promotions and the idea behind the company was to promote...