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Showing posts from November, 2013

PWR TV Debate: WWE "Big Stars" vs WWE Attractions

PWR TV Debate: WWE "Big Stars" vs WWE Attractions   As Always what is written below is my opinion as a wrestling fan. Im not a "Wrestling Expert" and nor to I claim to be one. Simply giving my opinion as a fan and as I see it :)   Enjoy and Read on......       I was watching Pro Wrestling Report primetime as I do Every Sunday and this week Dameon Nelson and David Herro went In Depth on WWE change of Direction from "Internet Darlings to Big Stars" Dameon Nelson Explained that for the purpose of this debate the size of the wrestler is not what we are talking about here but the perception of the wrestler and how that translates across ALL different sections of the audience not just the Hardcore Wrestling fan base. Also that this is not about Wrestling in ring Talent either, We all know as Hardcore fans that Ziggler, Punk and Bryan are 3 of the best in ring performers today but that isn't making casual fans press the buy button for PPV...

Pro Wrestling Report in WWE 2K14 and Guide: How to Download in Xbox 360

Pro Wrestling Report in WWE 2K14 and Guide of How to Download in Xbox360     Over the past week I have been adding Pro Wrestling Report Dameon Nelson, David Herro, WCW Meathead, Linda Lay and Sara Macdermott Characters and Entrance Videos onto Youtube and In addition uploading my created Characters of the Pro Wrestling |Report crew to the WWE Community Creations, which means that anyone with an xbox 360 and WWE 2K14 and go on to community creations and download the Characters that I have created.   Not Sure how to download on WWE2k14 for Xbox 360? Its nice and Easy let me take you through it     1, When on the Main Menu Screen of WWE 2K14 go down the Menu List and click on "Xbox Live"     2, Once Xbox Live WWE 2K14 has loaded you will come to a 2nd Menu screen click on WWE 2k14 "WWE 2k14 Community Creations"     3, Then Click on "Download", You will then be presented with a list of the most pop...

WWE Live Results Cardiff 10th November 2013

WWE Live Results Cardiff 10th November 2013 I'm writing this just after getting home from the show. Felt we saw a good show tonight, before the show Justin Roberts comes out to the ring and states that tonight there will be a fans choice match after intermission of the show and it will be fandango vs Santino and fans could choose between a dance off or normal match. Justin then started the show and gave us our first match Match 1 The Real Americans vs Los Matadores The real Americans come out to the ring and are accompanied by Zeb Colter. Lots of cheers for Zeb and Zeb was pure gold on the mic, the started off by saying 'im so happy to be back in Scotland' and then once he got the country right stating that the women of Wales were 'too big'. Los Matadores come out and the match begins. This was a great opening match, a nice spot where Los Matadores use the don't tread on me flags against swagger and Cesaro and make them run like bulls to get the flags ...